Friday, November 23, 2007


Bella is a fantastic movie about the importance of human life (most particularly the life of the as yet unborn)--and therefore a movie that Hollywood has refused to touch. I urge you to go out and see this movie and support the people who made it. It's not a perfect film, but the heart of its message is sound and uplifting. It is beautifully filmed and has very good actors. An e-mail I received said that watching this movie is one of the simple ways possible to support the pro-life movement. I certainly agree.

You can also take most of your children along to see it--it's rated PG-13, and contains some violence and a few scenes of intense emotion, but there is no objectionable content for someone mature enough to handle the thematic material.

Please, go out and see Bella! The makers should be rewarded for bringing a message like this to the screen.


Unknown said...

Absolutely. I thought it was pretty excellent. It hasn't gotten a very good critical reception, but I suspect that's largely because of its pro-life undertones, which is kinda maddening... but what can you do?

Connor Hamilton said...

Interestingly, although the professional critics gave Bella a 44% rating on the site Rotten Tomatoes, the general public, at least when I checked last, gave it a 98%! So it seems that "ordinary" people, so to speak, really enjoy it.

I don't know if we can do anything but keep bringing the fight to their door. Keep making things like this. Keep spreading the truth. Keep praying. :-)

Unknown said...

And keep reviewing! I was actually just checking out your review site. I, obviously, don't have your taste, and I disagreed on some things, but you're doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

Is this movie out on DVD? Or is it in the out-of-the-theaters-but-not-yet-on-DVD stage?

Connor Hamilton said...

It's just winding down in theatres. It probably won't be out on a DVD for a few months, I'm afraid.