Saturday, November 17, 2007


I guess I always thought of Saudi Arabia as a more lenient sort of Islamic nation; I suppose that was naive of me. We consider our modern age to be civilized, but this smacks of the medieval era. Read this article. It's about a gang-rape, but there is no graphic description. I am glad to hear that the Saudi government is trying to take steps to improve the situation, but the punishment of the victims themselves is alarming.


Jeremy said...

Both bin Laden and the majority of the terrorists on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia originally.

Patricia said...

On Sunday evening our pastor shared briefly from a newsletter written by a Czech missionary. The missionary is visiting Turkey, and asked a Turkish Christian pastor what they needed the most from European and North American Christians. The minister replied that they needed us to tell the truth about Isalm--that it is not a religion of peace. Even if every follower is not violent, there is no avoding the truth that the religion itself promotes violence toward others, especially those of other faiths.

Sir David M. said...

And just think: this event, occurring in Saudi Arabia, has been passed over largely in silence, but just imagine if a nominally Christian court in the most remote corner of the world passed such a sentence. There'd no doubt be a global outcry, public demonstrations, U.N resolutions, and no end of anti-Christian propaganda. But did that article even hint that this practice is totally sound by the Koran's standards?

Connor Hamilton said...

Interesting, Jeremy--I didn't know that.

That's wonderful to hear from someone actually there, Mrs. M. It seems to me like it should be much more obvious to people when they even read the news.

Heaven knows what would happen to the judge who pronounced such a sentence in America, David, but it wouldn't be pretty. I don't remember if the article said anything specifically on that score, but since you read the article more recently, and by the mere fact that I don't remember, I doubt it did make mention of the fact.