Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Wisdom of Dorothy Sayers

From The Mind of the Maker:

"Has the fact that enthusiastic crowds cheer and scream around professional footballers, while offering no enthusiastic greetings to longshoremen, anything to do with the wages offered to footballers and longshoremen respectively?" (204).


"Consider how, in the last twenty years, we have endeavored to deal with the 'problem of peace and security,' and whether we do not still secretly hug the delusion that it is possible to deal with it as a 'problem.' We really persuaded ourselves that peace was something that could be achieved by a device, by a set of regulations, by a League of Nations or some other form of constitution, that would 'solve' the whole matter once and for all. We continue to delude ourselves that 'when the war is over' we shall 'this time' discover the trick, the magic formula, that will stop the sun in heaven, arrest the course of events, make further exertion unnecessary. Last time we failed to achieve this end--and why? Chiefly because we supposed it to be achievable. Because we looked at peace and security as a problem to be solved and not as a work to be made"(206).

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